Source code for sulci.trainers

# -*- coding:Utf-8 -*-

import os
import time
import datetime

#from collections import defaultdict
#from operator import itemgetter

from django.conf import settings

from sulci.utils import load_file, save_to_file
from sulci.thesaurus import Trigger, Descriptor
from sulci.textmining import SemanticalTagger
from sulci.textutils import tokenize_text
from sulci.rules_templates import LemmatizerTemplateGenerator, RuleTemplate,\
                           ContextualTemplateGenerator, LexicalTemplateGenerator
from sulci import content_model, content_manager
from sulci.log import sulci_logger

[docs]class SemanticalTrainer(object): """ Create and update triggers. And make triggertodescription ponderation. """ PENDING_EXT = ".pdg" VALID_EXT = ".trg" def __init__(self, thesaurus, pos_tagger, mode="full"): self.thesaurus = thesaurus self.pos_tagger = pos_tagger self.mode = mode
[docs] def begin(self): """ Make one trigger for each descriptor of the thesaurus. Have to be called one time at the begining, and that's all. """ # TODO Add aliases... for d in self.thesaurus: t = Trigger.objects.create(original=unicode(d)) t.connect(d, 1)
[docs] def setup_socket_master(self): """ Configure the sockets for the master trainer. """ import zmq # This is a socket load-balanced to every workers # listening the canal. context = zmq.Context() self.reqsocket = context.socket(zmq.XREQ) self.reqsocket.bind("ipc:///tmp/sulci.action") # This is a publisher socket, used to distribute data. # No response is expected. self.pubsocket = zmq.Socket(zmq.Context(), zmq.PUB) self.pubsocket.bind("ipc:///tmp/sulci.apply")
[docs] def setup_socket_slave(self): """ Configure sockets for the workers (slaves). """ import zmq context = zmq.Context() # Socket to receive messages on self.repsocket = context.socket(zmq.XREP) self.repsocket.connect("ipc:///tmp/sulci.action") # This is the subscriber socket. Its used to subscribe to a canal # to receive data. self.subsocket = zmq.Socket(zmq.Context(), zmq.SUB) self.subsocket.connect("ipc:///tmp/sulci.apply") self.subpoller = zmq.Poller() self.subpoller.register(self.subsocket, zmq.POLLIN) # self.reppoller = zmq.Poller() # self.reppoller.register(self.repsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.subsocket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")
[docs] def do(self, *args): if self.mode == "slave": self.slave() else: t_init = time.time() if self.mode == "master": self.setup_socket_master() print "MASTER -- ready" qs = content_manager.all().filter(pk__gt=705969).order_by("id") # qs = content_manager.all().order_by("id") if self.mode == "master": qs = qs.only("id") # We make it by step, to limit RAM consuming step = 1000 forloop_remaining = total = len(qs) for loop in range(len(qs) / step + 1): _from = loop*step _to = _from + step current_qs = qs[_from:_to] print "MASTER -- Processing qs from %d to %d" % (_from, _to) for a in current_qs: if self.mode == "master": self.reqsocket.send_multipart([str(]) # We are training all objects, but without slaves. else: self.train(a) if self.mode == "master": # Waiting for answers # The need is also to send the "stop" action only at the end for idx in current_qs: status = self.reqsocket.recv() # Calculating ETA forloop_remaining -= 1 t_now = time.time() t_diff = t_now - t_init time_remaining = (t_diff / (total - forloop_remaining) * forloop_remaining) ETA = + datetime.timedelta(0,time_remaining) # Using print, as I launch this huge script # with python -O (so not __debug__, so no log) print "MASTER -- %s -- %s remaining to process -- ETA : %s" %\ (status, forloop_remaining, ETA.strftime("%a %d %R")) if self.mode == "master": self.pubsocket.send(" stop")
[docs] def slave(self): self.setup_socket_slave() print "SLAVE %s -- ready" % os.getpid() while True: if self.subpoller.poll(0): # This is subscription mode # Used just to stop the process # All the subprocess receive the same socket action = self.subsocket.recv()[1:] if action == "stop": return # This is the REP mode # We receive an action to do, with a pk idx, pk = self.repsocket.recv_multipart() print "SLAVE %s processing pk %s" % (os.getpid(), pk) self.train(int(pk)) self.repsocket.send_multipart([idx, "Processed pk %s" % pk])
[docs] def train(self, inst): """ For the moment, human defined descriptors are a string with "," separator. """ if isinstance(inst, int): #We guess we have a pk here inst = content_model.objects.get(pk=inst) text = getattr(inst, settings.SULCI_CLI_CONTENT_PROPERTY) descriptors = getattr(inst, settings.SULCI_CLI_KEYWORDS_PROPERTY) # hack if descriptors == "" or text == "": return validated_descriptors = set() # Retrieve descriptors for d in descriptors.split(","): d = d.strip().replace(u"’", u"'") if not d == "": # We create the descriptor not in thesaurus for now # because descriptors in article and thesaurus are not # always matching. Will be improved. dsc, created = Descriptor.objects.get_or_create(name=d) # Retrieve the primeval value dsc = dsc.primeval validated_descriptors.add(dsc) if created:"Lairning descriptor not in thesaurus : %s" % unicode(dsc), "RED") # Retrieve keytentities : try: S = SemanticalTagger(text, self.thesaurus, self.pos_tagger) S.deduplicate_keyentities() # During lairning, try to filter except ValueError: # SemanticalTagger raise ValueError if text is empty return current_triggers = set() for ke in S.keyentities: # Retrieve or create triggers t, created = Trigger.objects.get_or_create(original=unicode(ke)) current_triggers.add(t) t.count += 1 # t.current_score = ke.trigger_score # For now, only create all the relations for d in validated_descriptors: for t in current_triggers: t.connect(d, 1) # log(u"Connecting %s and %s" % (t, d), "WHITE") # log(u"Current triggers", "WHITE") # log([unicode(d) for d in current_triggers], "YELLOW") # log(u"Descriptors validated by human", "WHITE") # log([unicode(d) for d in validated_descriptors], "YELLOW") # #Descriptors calculated by SemanticalTagger # calculated_descriptors = set(d for d, value in S.descriptors) # log(u"Descriptors calculated", "WHITE") # log([unicode(d) for d in calculated_descriptors], "YELLOW") # #Descriptors that where tagged by humans, but not calculated # false_negative = validated_descriptors.difference(calculated_descriptors) # #Descriptors that where not tagged by humans, but where calculated # false_positive = calculated_descriptors.difference(validated_descriptors) # #Validated descriptors that where also calculated # true_positive = calculated_descriptors.intersection(validated_descriptors) # # for d in true_positive: # for t in current_triggers: # if d in t: # t.connect(d, t.current_score)#trust the relation # log(u"Adding 2 to connection %s - %s" % (t, d), "YELLOW") # # for d in false_positive: # for t in current_triggers: # if d in t: # t.connect(d, -t.current_score)#untrust the relation # log(u"Removing 1 to connection %s - %s" % (t, d), "BLUE") # # for d in false_negative: # for t in current_triggers: # t.connect(d, t.current_score)#guess the relation # log(u"Connecting %s and %s" % (t, d), "WHITE")
[docs] def clean_connections(self): """ Delete all the connection where score < 0. """ # We maybe have to clean connections where pondered_weigth is < 0.1. Trigger.clean_all_connections()
[docs]class RuleTrainer(object): """ Main trainer class for rules based, for factorisation. """
[docs] def do(self): if self.mode == "slave": self.slave() elif self.mode == "master": self.setup_socket_master() self.train() self.pubsocket.send(" stop") else: self.train()
[docs] def setup_socket_master(self): """ Configure the sockets for the master trainer. """ import zmq # This is a socket load-balanced to every workers # listening the canal. self.reqsocket = zmq.Socket(zmq.Context(), zmq.XREQ) self.reqsocket.bind("ipc:///tmp/sulci.action") # This is a publisher socket, used to distribute data. # No response is expected. self.pubsocket = zmq.Socket(zmq.Context(), zmq.PUB) self.pubsocket.bind("ipc:///tmp/sulci.apply")
[docs] def setup_socket_slave(self): """ Configure sockets for the workers (slaves). """ import zmq self.repsocket = zmq.Socket(zmq.Context(), zmq.XREP) self.repsocket.connect("ipc:///tmp/sulci.action") # This is the subscriber socket. Its used to subscribe to a canal # to receive data. self.subsocket = zmq.Socket(zmq.Context(), zmq.SUB) self.subsocket.connect("ipc:///tmp/sulci.apply") self.subpoller = zmq.Poller() self.subpoller.register(self.subsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.reppoller = zmq.Poller() self.reppoller.register(self.repsocket, zmq.POLLIN) self.subsocket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")
[docs] def slave(self): self.setup_socket_slave() while True: if self.subpoller.poll(0): rule = self.subsocket.recv()[1:] if rule == "stop": return rule = rule.decode("utf-8") template = self.get_template_instance(rule) #Apply the rule to the tokens"Applying rule %s" % rule, "RED") template.apply_rule(self.tokens, rule) if self.reppoller.poll(0): idx, action, rule = self.repsocket.recv_multipart() _, good, bad = self.test_rule(rule.decode("utf-8")) self.repsocket.send_multipart([idx, rule, str(good), str(bad)])
[docs] def test_rules(self, rules_candidates): pondered_rules = [] if self.mode == "master": # Send order for rule in rules_candidates: self.reqsocket.send_multipart(["check", rule.encode("utf-8")]) #Receive results for rule in rules_candidates: resp = self.reqsocket.recv_multipart() r, good, bad = resp pondered_rules.append((r.decode("utf-8"), int(good), int(bad)))"Received rule %s" % r.decode("utf-8"), "MAGENTA")"All rules are received from slaves") else: for rule in rules_candidates: pondered_rules.append(self.test_rule(rule)) return pondered_rules
[docs] def pretrain(self): """ Trainer specific training session preparation. """ pass
[docs] def log_error(self, token): pass
[docs] def get_template_instance(self, tpl): pass
[docs] def select_one_rule(self, rules): pass
[docs] def train(self): """ Main factorized train method. """ #We have to apply rules one after one to all objects"Begin of training session.", "WHITE", True) final_rules = [] errors = self.get_errors() while errors: run_applied_rule = False"%d errors for now..." % len(errors), "RED", True) for token_with_error in errors[:]: rules_candidates = [] self.log_error(token_with_error) # Make rules candidates for tpl, _ in self.template_generator.register.items(): # print "tpl", tpl template = self.get_template_instance(tpl) rules_candidates += template.make_rules(token_with_error) # Test the rules pondered_rules = self.test_rules(rules_candidates) # Select one rule rule_candidate, score = self.select_one_rule(pondered_rules) # Maybe the test "rule_candidate in final_rules" have to be done before... if rule_candidate and not rule_candidate in final_rules:#How to calculate the score min ? template = self.get_template_instance(rule_candidate) final_rules.append((rule_candidate, score)) # Apply the rule to the tokens"Applying rule %s (%s)" % (rule_candidate, score), "RED") template.apply_rule(self.tokens, rule_candidate) if self.mode == "master": # Send the rule to apply self.pubsocket.send(" %s" % rule_candidate.encode("utf-8")) run_applied_rule = True # We have applied a rule, we can try another run errors = self.get_errors() break#break the for else:#No rule applied for this error # We don't want to reprocess this error another time # unless the sample (so the context) as changed. token_with_error.sample.set_trained_position(token_with_error.position) if run_applied_rule: continue#go back to while errors = None#Nothing applied, we stop here. self.display_errors() self.template_generator.export(final_rules)
[docs] def test_rule(self, rule): template = self.get_template_instance(rule) bad = 0 good = 0 for ttk in self.tokens: test = template.test_rule(ttk, rule) if test == 1: good += 1 elif test == -1: bad += 1"%s g: %d b : %d" % (rule, good, bad), "GRAY") return rule, good, bad
[docs] def display_errors(self): """ Display errors in current step. """ remaining_errors = self.get_errors() errors_count = len(remaining_errors) total_words = len(self.tokens)"Remaining %d errors (%f %% of %d total words)" % (errors_count, 100.0 * errors_count / total_words, total_words), "RED") for r_error in remaining_errors: self.log_error(r_error)
[docs] def get_errors(self): """ Retrieve token where tag !== verified_tag. """ final = [] for sample in self.samples: # We don't take in count sample yet processed and not modified. final += sample.get_errors(self.attr_name) return final
[docs]class LemmatizerTrainer(RuleTrainer): """ Train the Lemmatizer. """ template_generator = LemmatizerTemplateGenerator attr_name = "lemme" # Name of the attribute we test on def __init__(self, lemmatizer, mode = "full"): self.lemmatizer = lemmatizer self.mode = mode self.tokens = self.lemmatizer.tokens self.samples = self.lemmatizer.samples self.pretrain()
[docs] def pretrain(self): """ We need to have the right tags, here """ for token in self.tokens: token.tag = token.verified_tag
[docs] def log_error(self, token):"Error : %s, lemmatized %s instead of %s" \ % (unicode(token), token.lemme, token.verified_lemme), "WHITE")
[docs] def get_template_instance(self, tpl): template, _ = self.template_generator.get_instance(tpl) return template
[docs] def select_one_rule(self, rules): """ Having a set of rules candidate for correcting some error, select the one correcting the more case, and creating the less errors. """ return RuleTemplate.select_one(rules, len(self.tokens))
[docs]class POSTrainer(RuleTrainer): """ Pos Tagger trainer. """ attr_name = "tag" # Name of the attribute we test on def __init__(self, tagger, corpus, mode = "full"): self.tagger = tagger self.corpus = corpus self.pretrain() self.tokens = self.corpus.tokens self.samples = self.corpus.samples self.mode = mode
[docs] def log_error(self, token):"Error : %s, tagged %s instead of %s" \ % (unicode(token), token.tag, token.verified_tag), "WHITE")
[docs] def get_template_instance(self, tpl): template, _ = self.template_generator.get_instance(tpl, lexicon=self.tagger.lexicon) return template
[docs] def select_one_rule(self, rules): return RuleTemplate.select_one(rules, len(self.corpus), 3)
[docs] def pretrain(self): self.tagger.tag_all(self.corpus.tokens)
[docs]class LexicalTrainer(POSTrainer): template_generator = LexicalTemplateGenerator
[docs] def pretrain(self): """ Tag the tokens, but not using POS rules, as we are training it. """ self.tagger.tag_all(self.corpus.tokens, lexical=False, contextual=False)
[docs] def get_errors(self): """ We don't care about token in Lexicon, for lexical trainer. """ final = [] for sample in self.corpus.samples: # We don't take in count sample yet processed and not modified. final += [t for t in sample.get_errors() if not t in self.tagger.lexicon] return final
[docs]class ContextualTrainer(POSTrainer): template_generator = ContextualTemplateGenerator
[docs] def pretrain(self): """ Tag the tokens, but not using the contextual rules, as we are training it. """ self.tagger.tag_all(self.corpus.tokens, contextual=False)

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