Source code for sulci.base

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os

from sulci.utils import load_file, get_dir
from sulci.textutils import tokenize_text
from sulci.stopwords import usual_words

[docs]class TextManager(object): """ This is an abstract class for all the "text", i.e. collection of samples and tokens. """ VALID_EXT = None # To be overwrited PENDING_EXT = None # To be overwrited
[docs] def get_files(self, kind): return [x for x in os.listdir(get_dir(__file__) + self.PATH) if x.endswith(kind)]
[docs] def instantiate_text(self, text): """ return samples and tokens. text is tokenized each token is : original + optionnal verified_tag (for training) """ csamples = [] ctokens = [] current_sample = None previous_token = None sample_id = 0 for idx, tk in enumerate(text): t, created = Token.get_or_create(idx, self, original=tk) if current_sample is None or t.begin_of_sample(previous_token): current_sample, created = Sample.get_or_create( sample_id, self, parent=self ) sample_id += 1 csamples.append(current_sample) current_sample.append(t) ctokens.append(t) previous_token = t return csamples, ctokens
[docs] def valid_files(self): return self.get_files(self.VALID_EXT)
[docs] def pending_files(self): return self.get_files(self.PENDING_EXT)
[docs] def load_valid_files(self): for f in self.valid_files: self._raw_content += load_file(os.path.join(self.PATH, f))
[docs] def tokenize(self, text): return tokenize_text(text)
[docs]class RetrievableObject(object): """ Simple abstract class to manage RAM stored and retrievable objects. """ @classmethod
[docs] def get_or_create(cls, ref, parent_container, **kwargs): """ Here, objects are created within a parent container. For exemple, the text, or a sample, or a lexicon, ecc. The store field is build from the name of the class. """ key, pk = cls.make_key(ref) store_field_name = "_store_%s" % cls.__name__.lower() if not hasattr(parent_container, store_field_name): setattr(parent_container, store_field_name, {}) store_field = getattr(parent_container, store_field_name) if key in store_field: return (store_field[key], False) else: store_field[key] = cls(pk, **kwargs) return (store_field[key], True)
[docs] def sort(cls, seq, attr, reverse=True): intermed = [(getattr(seq[i], attr), i, seq[i]) for i in xrange(len(seq))] intermed.sort() if reverse: intermed.reverse() return [tup[-1] for tup in intermed]
[docs] def make_key(cls, expression): # TODO Optimize me ! """ Make a standardization in the expression to return a tuple who maximise maching possibilities. expression must be a list or tuple, or string or unicode """ if not isinstance(expression, (list, tuple)): expression = unicode(expression).split() expression = tuple(expression) return "%s__%s" % (cls.__name__, expression), expression
def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__().encode("utf-8")
[docs]class Sample(RetrievableObject): """ A sentence of the text. """ def __init__(self, pk, parent=None, **kwargs): = pk self.tokens = [] # Otherwise all the objects have the same reference self._len = None # For caching self.tag = None self.parent = parent # This field is used just in training mode. # The idea is : every time a token with wrong tag is processed but # not corrected, we store his index, to prevent from reprocessing it until # the sample has changed. # Maybe, for design purpose, this field can be added by trainer or # whe should subclass the Sample with a TrainerSample... self._trainer_processed = set() # If each errors in the sample are processed but not corrected, it's not # necessary to reprocess there errors until the sample hasn't changed. self._trainer_candidate = True def __unicode__(self): return u" ".join([unicode(t) for t in self.tokens]) def __repr__(self): return u" ".join([repr(t) for t in self.tokens]).encode("utf-8") def __iter__(self): return self.tokens.__iter__() def __len__(self): if self._len is None: self._len = len(self.tokens) return self._len def __getitem__(self, key): return self.tokens[key]
[docs] def append(self, item): if not isinstance(item, Token): raise ValueError( "Sample object can deal only with Token instances. " "Got %s instead." % type(item) ) item.position = len(self) item.parent = self self.tokens.append(item) self._len = None # Flush cache as we add a token
[docs] def has_position(self, pos): return 0 <= pos < len(self)
[docs] def meaning_words_count(self): return len([t for t in self.tokens if t.has_meaning()])
[docs] def is_token(self, stemm, position): """ Check if there is stemm "stemm" in position "position". """ if not self.has_position(position) or not stemm == self[position]: return False return True
[docs] def show_context(self, position): """ Returns a string of tokens around some positin of the sample. """ begin = max(0, position - 5) end = min(len(self), position + 5) return u" ".join([t.__urepr__() for t in self[begin:end]])
[docs] def get_errors(self, attr="tag"): """ Retrieve errors, comparing attr and verified_attr. Possible values are : tag, lemme. """ final = [] # Squeeze the loop if False. if not self._trainer_candidate: return final for token in self: test_attr = getattr(token, attr) verified_attr = getattr(token, "verified_%s" % attr) if test_attr != verified_attr \ and not token.position in self._trainer_processed: # If the position is in _trainer_processed, this means # that the error was yet processed but not corrected # and the sample has not changed until then. final.append(token) if final == []: # We use this as a cache, to prevent from looping over the errors # each time. # Remember that if some token is changed in the sample, the method # reset_trainer_status is normaly called. self._trainer_candidate = False return final
[docs] def reset_trainer_status(self): """ This method has to be called by the trainer each time a token of this sample is modified. """ self._trainer_candidate = True self._trainer_processed = set()
[docs] def set_trained_position(self, pos): """ This method has to be called by trainer each time a token is processed but not corrected. """ self._trainer_processed.add(pos)
[docs]class Token(RetrievableObject): """ Simplest element of a text. """ def __init__(self, pk, original, parent=None, position=0, **kwargs): """ pk = unique string representing object (used to store in cache) original = raw string of token, when used in training mode, has tag and lemme attached, eg. word/tag/lemme parent = the parent sample; can be omitted here, but is needed for using the token, so it have to be setted manually if not passed here position = the position of the token in the parent sample (O indexed) """ = pk self.verified_tag = None orig = original.split("/") self.original = orig[0] self.lemme = orig[0] # Default value # This will be done in training mode if len(orig) > 1: self.verified_tag = orig[1] self.verified_lemme = len(orig) > 2 and orig[2] or self.original self.parent = parent self.position = position self.tag = "" self._len = None def __unicode__(self): return unicode(self.lemme) def __urepr__(self): """ Unicode version of repr. """ tag = self.tag and u"/%s" % unicode(self.tag) or "" verified_tag = self.verified_tag and u"[%s]" % unicode(self.verified_tag) or "" final = u"<Token %s%s %s>" % (unicode(self.original), tag, verified_tag) return final def __repr__(self): """ __repr__ *must* return a str, not a unicode. """ return self.__urepr__().encode("utf-8")
[docs] def lower(self): return self.original.lower()
[docs] def sample(self): """ For retrocompatibility. """ return self.parent
[docs] def previous_bigram(self): """ Return the two previous token, or None if there is not two tokens before. """ if self.position >= 2: return self.get_neighbors(-2, -1)
[docs] def next_bigram(self): """ Return the two next token, or None if there is not two tokens after. """ if len(self.parent) - self.position > 2: return self.get_neighbors(1, 2)
[docs] def get_neighbors(self, *args): # cache this """ Returns tokens neighbors in sample in positions passed as args, if available. Eg. token.get_neighbors(1, 2) will return the next and next again tokens. """ neighbors = [] for idx in args: pos = self.position + idx if not self.parent.has_position(pos): return [] neighbors.append(self.parent[pos]) return neighbors
[docs] def is_strong_punctuation(self): return self.original in [u".", u"!", u"?", u"…"]
[docs] def begin_of_sample(self, previous_token): if previous_token is None: return True # what about ":"? if (previous_token.is_strong_punctuation() or previous_token.is_closing_quote())\ and (self.original[0].isupper() or self.is_opening_quote()): return True return False
[docs] def is_opening_quote(self): return self.original == u'«' or self.original == u'"'
[docs] def is_closing_quote(self): return self.original == u'»' or self.original == u'"'
[docs] def is_tagged(self, tag): return self.tag == tag
[docs] def has_verified_tag(self, tag): return self.verified_tag == tag
def __hash__(self): return self.original.__hash__() def __eq__(self, other): """ WATCH OUT of the sens you make the comparison between a Token and a Stemm other could be a string or a Token or a Stemm """ s = other if isinstance(other, Token): s = other.original elif isinstance(other, object) and other.__class__.__name__ == "Stemm": s = other.main_occurrence # Will come back one time. return self.original == s def __ne__(self, y): return not self.__eq__(y) def __len__(self): if self._len is None: self._len = len(self.original) return self._len def __getitem__(self, key): return self.original.__getitem__(key)
[docs] def has_meaning(self): """ What about isdigit ? """ # We don't take stop words (by lemme) # We take words < 2 letters only if it's a number # We don't take tools words (by tag) # We don't take être and avoir return self.lemme not in usual_words \ and (len(self.lemme) >= 2 or self.lemme.isdigit())\ and not self.is_tool_word() \ and not self.is_etre() \ and not self.is_avoir()
[docs] def is_tool_word(self): """ Try to define if this word is a "mot outil". """ tool_tags = [ "DTN:sg", "DTN:pl", "DTC:sg", "DTC:pl", "PLU", "COO", "PREP", "REL", "SUB", ] return self.tag in tool_tags or self.original in usual_words \ or (self.position == 0 and self.lower() in usual_words)
[docs] def is_verb(self): """ We don't take in count the verbs Etre and Avoir. """ return self.tag in [ "VCJ:sg", "VCJ:pl", "PAR:sg", "PAR:pl", "VNCFF", "VNCNT", ]
[docs] def is_etre(self): return self.tag in [ "ECJ:sg", "ECJ:pl", "EPAR:sg", "ENCFF", "ENCNT", ]
[docs] def is_avoir(self): return self.tag in [ "ACJ:sg", "ACJ:pl", "APAR:sg", "APAR:pl", "ANCFF", "ANCNT", ]
[docs] def has_meaning_alone(self): """ Do we take it in count if alone? """ # Similar to has_meaning, but we don't want numbers < 2 return self.has_meaning() and len(self.lemme) >= 2
[docs] def istitle(self): """ Determine if the token is a title, using its tag. """ return self.tag[:3] == "SBP"
[docs] def is_neighbor(self, candidates): """ Return true if word appears with right neighbours. False otherwise. candidates is tuple (Stemm object, distance) """ for candidate, distance in candidates: if not self.parent.is_token(candidate, self.position + distance): return False return True
[docs] def show_context(self): return self.parent.show_context(self.position)

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